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Let me catch up from fridays entry.

Let me catch up from fridays entry.

Nee-ner Nee-ner...your bumpers falling off :)



Let me catch up from fridays entry.

01.10.05 - 12:45 PM

Friday sucked. I found out two hours before I had to leave for work that the kids at my babysitters had head lice. Thank god my daughter hasnt been there in three weeks!! So needless to say I was late to work. I got there at 4:30 instead of 2. No biggy. Ive found that finding a back up babysitter is a pain in the ass. Especially since everyone I know has to work during the day. Damn you people...having jobs and what not...Be poor!

Saturday went okay at work. I was exhausted. I cant tolerate standing on my feet that long anymore. Im starting to feel the consequences more and more. I know...I know...Quit being a whiner. Its in my nature, what can I say?

Yesterday, Casey let me sleep til a little before noon. We ended up going out in our super-duper long driveway and went snowtubing for a few hours. That was fun. I never get to do these things with my daughter, so it was nice for a change. After that, Casey's mom invited us over for dinner. So I got out of cooking, which was great. We had goulash and crockpot chocolate cake. Both were really good. Lyssa even ate it without a problem which is unusual. While we were over there Casey's mom threw a bank envelope at me. She gave us money to help out with anything else we might have to get for the baby. I love the fact that she did it because we really need it, but it makes me feel like crap. I feel like a charity case when people do that. Whatever...I forced myself to take it because I really need to buy my breast pump. Im really getting picky about the things I want. It has to be the exact kind I want or Im not happy and everyone is going to hear about it. Ive been on a carseat hunt for awhile and have yet to find one that I really am impressed with. I think its time Laura and I take a shopping trip again. She knows all the good places to look.

Today is going good so far. Work went well this morning. After I picked Lyssa up from school I went to the store and bought some junk food to hold me over until dinner. Im making hamburgers and fries tonight. Just something easy.

Oh of the best things that Ive somehow managed to totally forget about in every entry. My brother got married Saturday. It was a short engagement. And when I say short I mean less than a week. I guess hes only been dating the girl for a month or so. They work together. She has three kids by another guy, who is a jerk off. Im not all that impressed, but hes my brother. I have to love and support him no matter what. Hes always done the same for me. And Ive done some pretty dumb stuff...nothing I care to ever talk about or remember for that matter. Anyways, I missed the wedding because I had to work. My mother said I didnt miss alot. It was really small. They had it at her brothers house with their local judge. Definately a change from his first marriage. That was a long drawn out waste of money. I guess one good thing came out of doing it this way...He didnt waste alot of money if its not going to work out.

Whatever. This is a long enough entry for the day.

Have a good one.

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